Default Style Sheet
Copy and paste this stylesheet into your plugin CSS field. Replace 46C654 with your own six digit color HEX code to use your primary branding color.
/* Primary color for item backgrounds */ .TopNavSSL, .TopNavActive, .ButtonSubmit, .ButtonSubmitMd, .ButtonTickets, .ButtonTicketsMd, .DonFormLabel, .TopNavHome:hover, .DonFormLabel:hover, .DonFormLabel:active, .DonFormLabel.Active, .DonRadio:checked + label > span, .ButtonCancel:hover, .ButtonCancel:active, .LinkChangeSeat, .BtnMixViewActive, #EventDateSlider .SelectorBoxSelected { background-color: #46C654; } /* Primary color for item borders */ .TopNavTabActive, .TopNavTab:hover, .TopNavHome:hover, .ButtonSubmit, .ButtonSubmitMd, .ButtonTicketsMd, .ButtonTickets, .DonFormLabel, .DonFormLabel:hover, .DonFormLabel:active, .DonFormLabel.Active, .DonRadio + label > span, .DonRadio:checked + label, .DonRadio:checked + label > span, .DonActive, .BoxGift, .ButtonCancel:hover, .ButtonCancel:active, .DiscountCodeFields .CodeInput, .EFWActive, .BoxHover, .__hover:hover, .__hover:active, .BtnMixViewActive, #EventDateSlider .SelectorBoxSelected { border-color: #46C654 !important; } .BoxHover:focus, .__hover:focus, .__hover:focus { outline: none; border: 1px solid #46C654 !important; } /* Primary color for text elements */ .DonRadio:checked + label, .DonActive, #TopNavText2 .lnr, .LayoutTabs a.TabActive, A.EventLink:link, A.EventLink:visited { color: #46C654; } /* Primary hover color for buttons and borders */ a.ButtonSubmit:hover, a.ButtonTickets:hover, a.ButtonTicketsMd:hover, .ButtonSubmit:hover, .ButtonSubmit:active, .ButtonCancel, .ButtonTickets:hover, .ButtonSubmitMd:hover, .ButtonSubmitMd:active, a.LinkChangeSeat:hover, .ButtonTimedEntry.BtnChecked { background: #999999 !important; border-color: #999999 !important; } /* Border radius for nav and button elements - 0 is square, 3px is part rounded, 100em is fully rounded */ .TopNavDemo, .TopNav, .TopNavActive { border-radius: 100em; } .ButtonGray, .ButtonSubmit, .ButtonCancel, .ButtonTickets { border-radius: 3px; } /* Misc */ .DonRadio + label { color: #333; } .Success, .ThankYou { background-color: #ccc; color: #333; } .ButtonSubmitAltColor { color: #FFF; } .BillNotes, .GiftNotes { color: #222; } .EFWActive, .BoxHover { box-shadow: 0 0 2px #f7f7f7; } .SocialDistancingSeat { opacity: 1; fill: #f4f4f4 !important; stroke: #999 !important; } .EventText ul, .EventText ol { display: inline-block; margin: 0; } /* Ticket color settings */ .tixBlue { background-color: #daf1ff !important; } .tixGreen { background-color: #e0f3da !important; } .tixOrange { background-color: #ffefdb !important; } .tixPurple { background-color: #f7e9fb !important; } .tixRed { background-color: #ffe5e5 !important; } .tixYellow { background-color: #fffde5 !important; } .tixCustom1 { background-color: #fff8ea !important; } /* tan */ .tixCustom2 { background-color: #f3f3f3 !important; } /* light gray */ .tixCustom3 { background-color: #defdff !important; } /* teal */ .tixCustom4 { background-color: #fffffb !important; } /* off white */ .tixCustom5 { background-color: #f6fff6 !important; } /* lime */ /* Hidden elements */ #TicketButtonWrapper { display: none; }
Dark (transparent) Background Style Sheet
If you have a web page with a black or dark background, copy and paste this stylesheet into your plugin CSS area. Replace 46C654 with your own six digit color HEX code to use your primary branding color.
Important – Edit your plugin settings and change the “Bgd color” option at the bottom to “transparent.” If you are editing a plugin that’s already embedded on your page, you will need replace it with the new embed code.
#Body, #Footer { background-color: transparent !important; padding: 15px; } /* Primary color for item backgrounds */ .TopNavSSL, .TopNavActive, .ButtonSubmit, .ButtonSubmitMd, .ButtonTickets, .ButtonTicketsMd, .DonFormLabel, .TopNavHome:hover, .DonFormLabel:hover, .DonFormLabel:active, .DonFormLabel.Active, .DonRadio:checked + label > span, .ButtonCancel:hover, .ButtonCancel:active, .LinkChangeSeat, a.LinkChangeSeat, .LinkChangeSeat, .BtnMixViewActive, #EventDateSlider .SelectorBoxSelected { background-color: #46C654; } /* Primary color for item borders */ .TopNavTabActive, .TopNavTab:hover, .TopNavHome:hover, .ButtonSubmit, .ButtonSubmitMd, .ButtonTicketsMd, .ButtonTickets, .DonFormLabel, .DonFormLabel:hover, .DonFormLabel:active, .DonFormLabel.Active, .DonRadio + label > span, .DonRadio:checked + label, .DonRadio:checked + label > span, .DonActive, .BoxGift, .ButtonCancel:hover, .ButtonCancel:active, .DiscountCodeFields .CodeInput, .EFWActive, .BoxHover, .__hover:hover, .__hover:active, .BtnMixViewActive, #EventDateSlider .SelectorBoxSelected { border-color: #46C654 !important; } .BoxHover:focus, .__hover:focus, .__hover:focus { outline: none; border: 1px solid #46C654 !important; } /* Primary color for text elements */ .DonRadio:checked + label, .DonActive, #TopNavText2 .lnr, .LayoutTabs a.TabActive, A.EventLink:link, A.EventLink:visited { color: #46C654; } /* Primary hover color for buttons and borders */ a.ButtonSubmit:hover, a.ButtonTickets:hover, a.ButtonTicketsMd:hover, .ButtonSubmit:hover, .ButtonSubmit:active, .ButtonCancel, .ButtonTickets:hover, .ButtonSubmitMd:hover, .ButtonSubmitMd:active, a.LinkChangeSeat:hover, .ButtonTimedEntry.BtnChecked { background: #999999 !important; border-color: #999999 !important; } /* Border radius for nav and button elements - 0 is square, 3px is part rounded, 100em is fully rounded */ .TopNavDemo, .TopNav, .TopNavActive { border-radius: 100em; } .ButtonGray, .ButtonSubmit, .ButtonCancel, .ButtonTickets { border-radius: 3px; } /* Misc */ .DonRadio + label { color: #333; } .Success, .ThankYou { background-color: #ccc; color: #333; } .SocialDistancingSeat { opacity: 1; fill: #f4f4f4 !important; stroke: #999 !important; } /* White Text */ #Timer, #CartCount, .TabActive, .EventText, .PromoMsg, .BackLink a, .EventName, .EventDate, .TopNavTab, .DonLabel, .DonateHeader, .VenueInfo, .ButtonSubmitAltColor, .TopNavTabActive, .AccountName, .SeatMapIndexText, .MerchMessage, .MerchHeader, .TopNavSSL, A.LinkTopNav:link, A.LinkContentBoxHeader:link, .SubGroupCodeWrapper a.LinkBuySub, #CheckoutProgress .ProgressActive, .UserAgreementCheckboxWrapper, .CheckoutInstructions, .CheckoutMsgCart, #PreferredSeatMsg, .DonLabel, .RecurringMsg, .DonRecurringWrapper, .DonCommentWrapper, .ContentBoxHeader, .Text, .CartHeader, .CartText, A.LinkTheme2, A.LinkTheme2:active { color: #FFF !important; } .SeatInfoWrapper { background: #000; border-color: #000; } .FacebookPreShare { background-color: #fff; } .Timer { background: transparent; } .TopNavTab:hover { color: #ccc; } .BtnAlloc { background-color: #333; border-color: #555; } .BillNotes, .GiftNotes { color: #222; } .EFWActive, .BoxHover { box-shadow: 0 0 2px #f7f7f7; } .EventText ul, .EventText ol { display: inline-block; margin: 0; } /* Ticket color settings */ .tixBlue { background-color: #daf1ff !important; } .tixGreen { background-color: #e0f3da !important; } .tixOrange { background-color: #ffefdb !important; } .tixPurple { background-color: #f7e9fb !important; } .tixRed { background-color: #ffe5e5 !important; } .tixYellow { background-color: #fffde5 !important; } .tixCustom1 { background-color: #fff8ea !important; } /* tan */ .tixCustom2 { background-color: #f3f3f3 !important; } /* light gray */ .tixCustom3 { background-color: #defdff !important; } /* teal */ .tixCustom4 { background-color: #fffffb !important; } /* off white */ .tixCustom5 { background-color: #f6fff6 !important; } /* lime */ /* Hidden elements */ #TicketButtonWrapper, .EventInfoBottom { display: none; }